Criminal Law
Course type
Study programme and level
Lectures | Seminar | Tutorial | Druge oblike študija | Individual Work | ECTS |
60 | 20 | 120 | 7 |
Enrollment into 1st year.
Content (Syllabus outline)
The foundation of criminal offence science:
– Human acts as a condition for criminal responsibility;
– The objective-subjective concept of a criminal offence;
– Types of enforcement actions;
– General modalities: the method, place and time of the criminal offence;
– The nature of the consequences and the problem of causation;
– Preparatory acts, attempted and committed criminal offences;
– The uniformity and plurality of acts;
– The occurrence and ostensible occurrence of criminal offences;
– Illegality and the determination of a criminal offence in the law;
– The exclusion of a criminal offence;
– The exclusion of punishability.
– The relationship between guilt, criminal offence and punishment;
– The psychological and normative elements of guilt, the definition of guilt in the law and its determination in a judgment;
– Intentional and negligent guilt;
– Guilt, as a subjective unlawful act of the perpetrator;
– Insanity, mistakes (actual and of law), extreme force, and other cases of exclusion of guilt.
The entity of a criminal offence:
– The natural and legal person as an active entity of a criminal offence;
– Types of commission of a crime;
– Participation: inducing and assistance;
– Specific provisions concerning criminal organizations;
– Passive subjects and their legal importance.
Punishments and other criminal sanctions:
– Criminal law theories on the importance, necessity and appropriateness of punishment;
– Punishments (types and limits, assessment);
– Warning sanctions (conditional sentence, judicial reminder);
– Security measures and the legal consequences of the conviction;
– Civil sanctions in criminal law;
– Basic provisions on the enforcement of criminal sanctions;
– Extinguishing the effects of criminal sanctions;
– Limitation, rehabilitation, amnesty and pardon.
Specific part:
– An overview of the most important criminal acts committed against:
– Individual legal values;
– Common legal values;
– Legal values under the state auspices;
– Internationally recognized legal values.
Study Literature
- Bausteine des Europäischen Strafrechts, Proceedings Coimbrasimposium für Claus Roxin, ed. Berndt Schünemnan, Figeiredo Jorge Dias, Carl Heymansverlag, Cologne, Berlin, Bonn, Munich, 1999.
- Roxin, Claus, Strafrecht – Allgemeiner Teil, CH Beck, Munich, 2006.
Objectives and competences
The course introduces the student to legal opinions and legal terminology. It represents the basic introductory course for law studies.
Intended learning outcomes
The student acquires basic knowledge of the essence of the law, its characteristics and regularity, the most important elements, the connection with other social phenomena, the knowledge that is indispensable for the study and understanding of contemporary law and its institutions, and knowledge of the basic legal institutes, legal branches and legal terminology, which is an essential foundation for the further study of individual legal subjects.
Learning and teaching methods
Lectures with the active participation of students; intensifying the knowledge through practical courses by studying practical examples.
Type (examination, oral, coursework, project):
Written examination.
Lecturer’s references
Selected bibliografical units: