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Each year, the United Nations Association of Slovenia announces a competition for the best undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral final papers in the field of operation of the United Nations, defended between 1 October and 30 June of the current academic year. Students of the European Faculty of Law were among the recipients of the awards.
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– Lah Suzana: Status of Human Rights in the Constitutional Regimes of Arab Countries (Status človekovih pravic v ustavnih ureditvah arabskih držav, master’s thesis, European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica, mentor Prof Arne Marjana Mavčiča, PhD) (2014)
– Erazem Bohinc, a student of the European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica, received an award of the UNO Association for his undergraduate thesis under the mentorship of Asst Prof Jernej Letnar Černič, PhD, for one of the best contributions in the field of operation of the United Nations – http://www.unaslovenia.org/node/2391.
– Leon Slak, a student of the European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica, received an award of the UNO Association for his doctoral thesis under the mentorship of Prof Ernest Petrič, PhD, and co-mentorship of Prof Miha Pogačnik, PhD, for one of the best contributions in the field of operation of the United Nations – http://www.unaslovenia.org/node/2391.
– Pregelj, Katja: The Question of Possible Violations of the International Law in the Name of War Against Terrorism (Vprašanje morebitnih kršitev mednarodnega prava v imenu vojne proti terorizmu, master’s thesis, European Faculty of Law, mentor: Prof Ernest Petrič, PhD) (2012)
– Smrekar, Robert: The Relationship of the UNO Law and the EU Law through the Prism of Protection of Human Rights (Razmerje prava OZN in prava EU skozi prizmo varovanja človekovih pravic, master’s thesis, European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica, mentor: Asst Prof Matej Avbelj, PhD) (2012)
– Mavrič, Jernej: Kadi – European »Solange« in the Relationship to International Law (Kadi – evropski »Solange« v odnosu do mednarodnega prava?, undergraduate thesis, European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica, mentor: Asst Prof Matej Avbelj, PhD) (2011)
– Rijavec, Tina: The International Labour Organisation and its Efforts to Enforce Labour Rights in the Myanmar Case (Mednarodna organizacija dela in njena prizadevanja za uveljavljanje delavskih pravic na primeru Mjanmar, undergraduate thesis, European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica, mentor: Prof Miha Pogačnik, PhD) (2011)
– Zagoričnik, Petra: Prosecution of Pirates under the International Law (Pregon piratov po mednarodnem pravu, European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica, mentor: Prof Miha Pogačnik, PhD, undergraduate thesis, 2009)
– Florjančič, Urška: The Relationship between the Two Fundamental Principles of International Law Concerning the Integrity of Countries and the Principle of a Nation’s Right to Self-Determination and the Example of Kosovo (Razmerje med temeljnima načeloma mednarodnega prava o integriteti držav in načelom o pravici naroda do samoodločbe ter primer Kosova, European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica, mentor: Prof Ernest Petrič, PhD, Undergraduate thesis, 2008)