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Slovenia 1945-2015 : sovereignity, constitutionality and the future of Slovenia’s national system. Peter Jambrek : Nation’s transitions – social and legal issues of Slovenia’s transitions : 1945-2015. Kranj : Graduate School of Government and European Studies ; Nova Gorica : European Faculty of Law, 2014
495 str. : tabele ; 25 cm.
The time span of Slovenia’s ‘transitions’ in this book is set for at least three quarters of one century, thus including: the origins of the communist Yugoslavia during the Second World War (1940 – 1945) and Slovenia’s double subordination to the Yugoslav Federal State and to its communist regime (1945 – 1990); the five years lasting process of Slovenian nation and constitution building, inauguration of its modern democracy (first democratic parliamentary elections in 1990), and constitutional declaration of independence in 1991, followed by international recognition and membership in the United Nations; social, economic, and legal transition of Slovenia as an independent state to political democracy and market economy (1990 – 2004), and integration into the European Union’s legal and economic order (2004–).

Slovenia 1945-2015 : sovereignity, constitutionality and the future of Slovenia’s national system; Peter Jambrek: Theory of rights – theory of human rights and fundamental freedoms – behavioral, social and normative approaches: Nova Gorica : European Faculty of Law ; Kranj : Graduate School of Government and European Studies, 2014
400 str. ; 25 cm.
»The catalogue of human rights protected by the European Convention on Human Rights comprises the core civil and political rights of the Western liberal tradition, including several that are essential to a political understanding of democracy as a system of government that assigns legislative and executive decision-making authority …«. Special attention is devoted to the two major and clearly juxtaposed domains – human dignity and gross violations of basic rights in general: »The question of the consequences and the prevention of structural and large-scale human rights violations is raised in view of the central value of respect for human dignity.«

CHALLENGES of contemporary international law and international relations : liber amicorum in honour of Ernest Petrič / editor Miha Pogačnik. – Nova Gorica : The European Faculty of Law, 2011 ([Nova Gorica] : Grafika Soča). – 463 str. : fotogr. ; 25 cm ISBN 978-961-6731-05-8
A celebratory collection was published by the European Law Faculty on the occasion of the jubilee of Professor Dr. Ernest Petrič, judge of the Constitutional Court, experienced diplomat, intellectual with extensive legal, political and life experience. This is a collection of excellent treatises written by the most renown experts in international law and international relations.
The “Liber Amicorum” collection will serve well to all those interested in international law and international relations.