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Electronic Resources and Bibliographic Databases
Bibliographic Databases
Scopus (Elsevier’s bibliographic database that includes full text articles)
Electronic resources and databases:
Legal portal Ius-Info (full access for members)
www.us-rs.si, database of the Slovenian Constitutional Court
www.concourts.net, website of prof. Arne Marjan Mavčič
www.lib.Uchicago.edu/~llou/conlaw.html, library database for Constitutional Law
https://www.verfassungsvergleich.de/, collection of constitutions
https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/, database of the European Court of Human Rights
www.venice.coe.int, database of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe
http://www.accpuf.org/, legal database of Francophone countries
http://www.ris.bka.gv.at/, database of Austrian legislation
http://www.sodisce.si/vsrs/, database of Slovenian court practise
http://www.dt-rs.si/, database of Slovenian Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office
http://www.varuh-rs.si/, database of the Slovenian Ombudsman
http://www.ombudsman.europa.eu/sl/home.faces, database of the European Ombudsman
http://curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/T5_5133/, database of the Court of Justice of the European Union
https://pisrs.si/, database of Slovenian legislation
http://www.justis.com/, the law on-line
Other bases:
Sage (remote access for library patrons to full texts)
EBSCO (remote access for library patrons to full texts)
SpringerLink (full access from the library to full texts)