Student tutoring
What is tutoring?
The easiest way to answer this question is that tutoring is organized help for students. Through tutoring, we want to facilitate the integration of students into the university environment and advise them in their studies, as well as in solving any problems they face.
Tutoring means the process of supporting education, in which a tutor who is an expert with experience in a certain field transfers their competencies, experience and acquaintances to students.
At the European Faculty of Law of the New University, we support four basic forms of tutoring, namely introductory tutoring, course tutoring, tutoring for foreign students and tutoring for students with special needs.
INTRODUCTORY STUDENT TUTORING is intended for first-year students who have entered a new study environment. Introductory tutors present effective ways of studying and preparing for exams, basic information about 1st year courses and present extracurricular activities.
COURSE TUTORING is focused on a specific subject. Student tutors who have excelled in a particular course offer students additional help in understanding and mastering the study material of individual courses.
SPECIAL NEEDS TUTORING is intended for students who face various obstacles during their studies. The tutor directs the student with special needs in the development of those abilities that enable them to successfully integrate into study work and student life. It is performed individually and is thus adjusted to the needs of each individual student.
TUTORING FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS is intended mostly for foreign students who come to us within the ERASMUS exchange programmes. It is intended for foreign students who face various embarrassments and obstacles when moving to another country.
The basic tasks of tutors for foreign students include providing a variety of information about student and extracurricular life at the faculty, assistance in arranging administrative matters as well as assistance in overcoming cultural differences. The work of these tutors is performed in close collaboration with the International Office.
In the academic year 2023/24, tutoring is provided by the following students:
– Anastasia Sorgo for Civil Procedural Law;

– Uroš Borovnjak for Introduction to Civil Procedural Law, Introduction to Commercial Law, Introduction to Law of Obligations, Introduction to the Property Law, Introduction to Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure;

– Simon Ašič for Jurisprudence, tutor for foreign students, introductory student tutor, support, liaison and guidance tutor;
– Neja Marc for Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and special needs tutoring

– Ana Intihar Marulc for Business Mathematics, special needs tutoring, tutor for foreign students, support, liaison and guidance tutor

Members of the Tutoring Committee:
- Prof. dr. Bojan Grum, president
- Inga Pikl, a representative of the Faculty
- Kris Jarc, student