Energy Infrastructure
Course type
Study programme and level
Lectures | Seminar | Tutorial | Druge oblike študija | Individual Work | ECTS |
35 | 30 | 85 | 6 |
Study programme and level | Study field | Academic year | Semester |
I. level | Law and Management of Infrastructure and Real Estate | 2 | 1 |
Course type
Workload | Lectures (h/semester) | Seminar
(h/semester) |
(h/semester) |
Individual Work (h/semester) | ECTS |
35 | 30 | 85 | 6 |
assist. prof. dr. Marjana Šijanec Zavrl
Prerequisit is enrollment in the 2nd year of study.
Content (Syllabus outline)
– Energy infrastructure: the area of supply and the area of energy use.
– Energy policy and EU legislation in the field of energy supply and energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy sources (RES).
– Climate and energy package 20-20-20 till 2020.
– Structure of energy consumption in Slovenia and in the EU.
– Directives from the field of energy efficiency and energy-efficient buildings.
– Efficient use of energy in new buildings and renovations of existing buildings.
– Potential for energy rehabilitation of buildings and incentives.
– Nearly zero energy construction.
– Rules on Energy Efficiency in Buildings PURES 2010.
– Sustainable construction, LCC, LCA.
– Green procurement of buildings.
– Energy certificate for buildings and energy audits.
– Covenant of Mayors and sustainable energy plan in the municipality, local energy concepts.
Study Literature
– Web sites of Energy DG (
– Directives and EU strategic documents in the energy sector with a focus on energy efficiency and on climate energy package.
– Directive (2010/31/EU) on the energy performance of buildings (recast).
– Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU).
– Directive (2009/28/EC) on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.
– Web sites of Ministry of Infrastructure (
– Action plans: AN URE in AN OVE.
– Energy Act.
– Rules on efficient use of energy in buildings with a technical guideline.
– Decree on green public procurement.
– ŠIJANEC-ZAVRL, Marjana, GJERKEŠ, Henrik, TOMŠIČ, Miha. Integration of nearly zero energy buildings: a challenge for sustainable building stock. V: World Engineering Forum, 17-21 September 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Sustainable construction for people. Ljubljana: Inženirska zbornica Slovenije, 2012, str. 161-166.
Objectives and competences
– Understanding the principles of supply and the importance of energy efficiency (EE) and the use of renewable energy sources (RES) in the EU and in Slovenia,
– Transparent understanding of EU legislation and trends in the energy sector,
– Knowledge of Slovenian plans in the field of energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy sources (RES),
– Knowledge of indicators of energy consumption in Slovenia and the associated climate indicators,
– Understanding of the principles of low energy and almost zero-energy construction and renovation of buildings,
– Knowledge of legislation in the field of energy efficiency and building,
– Knowledge of the potential energy renovations of existing buildings,
– Understanding the green and sustainable procurement,
– Knowledge of the requirements for green public procurement (in the field of building energy),
– Ability to analyze and anticipate solutions in practice
– Ability to transfer knowledge into practice.
Intended learning outcomes
– Ability to understand the current principles of energy supply and the importance of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources,
– Knowledge of basic principles of a sustainable energy supply at the European, national and local levels,
– Knowledge of counseling methods for energy efficiency for buildings and municipalities,
– Understanding of organizational, technical and financial aspects of energy renovation and nearly zero-energy building.
Learning and teaching methods
– Lectures with students active participation (presentation, discussion, questions, examples, problem solving),
– Tutorial (seminar work on a topic arranged with the instructor, e-presentation of the seminar, mandatory students questions – replies),
– Individual and / or group consultations (discussion, additional explanation, specific questions).
Term paper and questions – answers (40%), written examination (40%) and oral examination (20%).
Lecturer’s references
Assist. Prof. Dr. Marjana Šijanec Zavrl, Univ. Dipl. Civ. Eng. (1961), assistant professor of facility management at the European faculty of law in Nova Gorica and Head of the Centre for Indoor Climate, Building Physics and Energy at Building and Civil Engineering institute ZRMK , Ljubljana, Slovenia. She graduated at University in Ljubljana, Faculty of architecture, civil engineering and Geodesy in 1984, and completed her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering in 1993 at the same University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Slovenia (Thesis: Implementation of organic PCM in passive solar buildings).
Full employment: 1984-1993 young researcher at University in Ljubljana, 1994 –to date head of department and board member for research at Building and Civil Engineering institute ZRMK. Additional employment: 1998 – 2012 researcher at University of Ljubljana; 2013- – to date Assistant Professor at European Faculty of Law, programme Law and Management of Infrastructure and Real Estate
Her main activities are the transposition and implementation of EU Directive 2010/EU/31 – EPBD topics (calculation methodology for energy performance of buildings, minimum requirements for energy efficient and nearly-zero energy buildings (nZEB), regulation for energy performance certification (EPC), training of independent EPC experts, nZEB definition and cost optimal scenarios for energy concept of new and renovated existing buildings, long-term strategy for mobilizing investments in renovation of buildings, national action plan for construction of nZEB by 2020). Her research work is dedicated to building sustainability (SB), development of national SB indicators and GPP rules (FP7 OPEN HOUSE), QA and monitoring of energy performance of demonstration nZEB buildings (FP7 EE-HIGHRISE) and as well as to mobilization of innovative design tools for refurbishing of buildings at district level (H2020 MODER).
She holds “DGNB Registered Professional” status and she is a GBC member (management board). Other professional interests: sustainable municipalities, financing building energy renovation, LCC, LCA, facility management, energy advisory, education and training. She is a head of the national training for “independent EPC expert” by the authorization of the ministry.
She has been involved in numerous EU projects from IEE, FP7, H2020, Interreg: Central Europe and Alpine Space, Eureka and COST programs. Her most recent EU projects are: IEE Concerted Action EPBD, RePublic_ZEB, TABULA, EPISCOPE, Green Twinning, Come2CoM, AFTER, Build up skills Slovenia, FP7 OPEN HOUSE, FP7 EE-HIGHRISE, FP7 Climate for Culture; H2020 MODER, H2020 CA EPBD IV, Interreg: CEC5, CABEE.