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- Disciplinary Committee
Disciplinary Committee
The Disciplinary Committee comprises three (3) members, each having their own deputy. The president of the Disciplinary Committee and their deputy are nominated by the Governing Board from among the educational staff of the faculty. A second member and their deputy are nominated by the Dean from among the employees of the Secretariat of the faculty. A third member and their deputy are nominated by the Student Council from among the students of the faculty.
On the basis of nominations, the Disciplinary Committee is appointed by the Senate of the faculty. The term of office of the Disciplinary Committee lasts for two (2) years and the members can be reappointed on the expiry of their term.
Members of the Disciplinary Committee are:
- Prof. Dr. Boštjan Kerbler, president
- As. dr. Margerita Jurkovič, deputy
- Suzana Dejić, Member
- Nika Blaznik, Deputy Member
- Neja Marc, Student Representative
- Maja Remec, Deputy Student Representative