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Student council
The Student Council comprises student representatives enrolled at the Faculty. The Student Council deals with and gives its opinion to the competent bodies on the Statute of the Faculty, on all matters that refer to the rights and duties of the students, as well as adopts and implements extracurricular programmes for the students in collaboration with the student community.
If the opinion from the previous paragraph is not taken into consideration, the Student Council can request that a competent body re-examines a particular matter and decides on it. In the event of this, the decision is adopted if 2/3 of all members of the competent body vote in its favour.
Student council of New University, European Faculty of Law in academic year 2022/23:
- Maja Remec, 1st year, master study programme Law, President
- Ana Intihar Marulc, 1st year, university study programme Law, Vice President (Unit Ljubljana)
- Neja Marc, 1st year, master study programme Law, Vice President (Unit Nova Gorica)
- Nika Tavčar, 3rd year, university study programme Law, Secretary
- Zala Murn, 3rd year, university study programme Law, Deputy Secretary
- Matic Grum, 2nd year, professional higher education Law and management of infrastructure and real estate
- Nik Brcar, 1st year, university study programme Law
- Simon Ašič, 1st year, university study programme Law
- Tea Kelavić, 3rd year, university study programme Law
The Student Council shall have at least five members and the term of office of the members of the Student Council shall be one year. Student Council members are elected directly by the students of the Faculty in elections. Elections are normally held in the second half of October. The manner in which the elections are called, the nomination procedure and the procedure for the conduct of the elections shall be laid down in more detail in the Rules on the Election of the Student Council.
The Student Council shall take its decisions at its meetings, which shall be open to the public. A decision shall be adopted if a majority of all members present vote in favour, provided that a majority of all members are present.
The work of the Student Council shall be conducted by a chairperson elected by the members of the Student Council from among themselves. In his/her absence, the Student Council shall be chaired by a Vice-Chairperson elected by the members of the Student Council from among themselves.
The functioning and organisation of the Student Council shall be further specified in the Rules of Procedure of the Student Council. The Rules of Procedure of the Student Council shall be adopted by the Governing Bord of the Faculty after the prior opinion of the Student Council.