The Senate is an academic body of the faculty responsible for higher education scientific, academic and professional matters. It consists of at least nine (9) and no more than thirteen (13) members. The members are elected by the Academic Assembly from among the higher education lecturers who are holders of at least one of the pedagogically implemented courses, and from among the students. All fields of study, scientific disciplines and study programmes of the faculty are equally represented in the Senate. The number of Senate members is determined by the decision of the Governing Board.
With regard to their function, the Dean and the Student Council representatives are members of the Senate. Students shall constitute at least one fifth of the members of the Senate. The members of the Senate shall be elected by the Academic Assembly. The term of office of the members of the Senate shall be two years, after which they may be re-elected.
The Senate decides on all matters regarding the implementation of the study programmes of the faculty as well as on new programmes and changes to the existing programmes.
The decisions of the Senate, to be adopted following prior consent from the Governing Board of the faculty, are those that have financial and business consequences, those regarding the number of admission places and limited enrolment, passing general and individual acts, decisions on new or changed existing study and scientific programmes as well as other programmes and projects of the faculty, personnel, personal and all other decisions that require the allocation and use of financial funds. The Governing Board decides which matter has financial consequences.
The Senate performs the following tasks:
- adopts proposals of study programmes,
- appoint the members of the University Senate representing the scientific disciplines and fields of expertise cultivated by the Faculty,
- appoints higher education lecturers, researchers and higher education associates to the titles, except Full Professors and Senior Researchers; it nominates a candidate for appointment to the title of Full Professor and Senior Researcher to the Senate of the university,
- appoints three members of the University Habilitation Committee,,
- decides on the withdrawal of the titles of a higher education lecturer, researcher and higher education associate,
- decides on the withdrawal of the title of a graduate,
- appoints a three-member committee which reports on the teaching and research qualifications of a candidate in the process of appointment to the title or withdrawal of the title,
- adopts the research and development programme,
- adopts the annual working plan of the faculty,
- appoints a three-member committee for the defence of the dispositions of doctoral dissertations and the qualification of candidates for doctoral dissertations,
- confirms the topics and mentors for doctoral dissertations,
- appoints a three-member Evaluation Committee, confirms the evaluation of the Committee and appoints members to defend the submitted doctoral dissertations,
- adopts professional opinion on young researchers and decides on their candidature,
- discusses and decides on the opinion of the Student Council of the faculty regarding its competencies,
- appoints its working bodies to carry out tasks in individual fields,
- decides on a candidate’s appeal in the recognition procedure of education obtained abroad,
- takes care of monitoring the quality of the educational and scientific research work,
- is responsible for the implementation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) as well as the coordination of related tasks,
- decides on other matters in accordance with the law, this Statute, and other general acts of the faculty,
- examines the students’ requests for faster advancement.
Senate members:
Prof. Dr. Peter Jambrek,
Prof. Dr. Ernest Petrič,
Prof. Dr. Arne Marjan Mavčič,
Prof. Dr. Andrej Anžič,
Prof. Dr. Bojan Grum,
Prof. Dr. Marko Novak,
Assist. Prof. dr. Katarina Vatovec.
Prof. Anže Erbežnik,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sara Ahlin Doljak,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anja Strojin Štampar,
Matic Grum, student,
Sebastjan Svete, student.