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Governing Board
The Governing Board is the governing, operational and management body of the Faculty. It shall have at least two members. The number of members of the Governing Board shall be determined by the Founder. Each member shall have one vote. The founder shall appoint the members for two years. In addition to the tasks laid down by law, the Management Board shall decide on matters of a financial, business and property nature and shall be responsible for the material management of the Faculty.
The competencies of the Governing Board are:
- decides on material, financial, business and organisational questions,
- adopts the Statute and other faculty acts, such as the Act on the Systematization of Job Positions at the faculty as well as regulations, price lists, criteria and others,
- appoints the Dean and Vice Deans, following prior opinion of the Senate,
- appoints the Director and the Secretary,
- appoint the Accounting Officer,
- appoints the Disciplinary Committee,
- propose to the Senate for adoption decisions within its competence concerning the disposition and use of financial resources,
- adopts the decisions on tuition fees and the price list of other services,
- adopts investment plans,
- decides on personnel and personal issues,
- decide on the establishment and status of the organisational units and appoint their heads in accordance with the Statutes,
- decides on the introduction of new study programmes at the faculty as well as on changes to the existing study programmes,
- decides on contractual relations and authorises the Director to sign contracts on behalf of the Faculty,
- decides on all other programmes or projects of scientific, research, consultancy, publishing or any other nature in the fields of activity for which the Faculty is registered.
Members of Governing Board:
- Dr. Peter Jambrek, president and member,
- Mag. Olga Jambrek, assistant president, Member