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Academic assembly
The Academic Assembly is composed of all higher education teachers, researchers and higher education associates who, during the current academic year, are engaged in teaching or scientific research activities on the basis of a valid contractual or employment relationship with the Faculty. Student representatives shall also participate in the work of the Academic Assembly, their number being at least one fifth of the members of the Academic Assembly.
The Academic Assembly:
- elects members of the Senate in accordance with the provisions of the Founding Act of the faculty and this Statute,
- give the Senate general orientations concerning the study programmes and their implementation, and other proposals and initiativese,
- consider reports on the work of the Faculty and make proposals and initiatives to the Senate,
- performs other tasks determined with this Statute and other general acts of the faculty.
The Academic Assembly rules at meetings, which can also be correspondence meetings. The Academic Assembly meets when necessary but at least once in a current academic year. The Secretary of the faculty convenes the Academic Assembly meetings at the Governing Board’s or Dean’s request.
The Academic Assembly elects a president from among its members. The president chairs meetings, formulates minutes of the meetings and monitors the execution of the decisions until the next Academic Assembly meeting is convened.
President of The Academic Assembly:
- Prof. Dr. Arne Marjan Mavčič