prof. dr. Verica Trstenjak Visokošolski učitelj
Verica Trstenjak, former Advocate General of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg
Professor Verica Trstenjak (national of Slovenia, based in Austria) is a professor of European Union law.
From 2004 to 2006 she was a judge at the General Court of the European Union in Luxembourg and from 2006 to 2012 an Advocate General of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg (the highest legal position in EU) and she was advocate general also in cases concerning fundamental freedoms, fundamental rights, consumer protection cases, energy law, intellectual property cases, state aid, public procurement ect.
From 2019 she is member of the Permanent Court of arbitration in The Hague and from 2019 also arbiter on the list VIAC (Vienna International arbitration Centre). From 2017 she is Member of Management Board and from October 2017 also Member of Executive Board of the EU Agency for fundamental rights. She is also a member of the advisory Board (comparable with arbitration) of the international organization Energy community. In Slovenia, she was also state secretary for science and technology (1996-2000)
She is Professor for European law at University (partly) and at different LLM programmes (University of Vienna, Sigmud Freud University in Vienna). In 2020 she got an Austrian state decoration from Austrian President van der Bellen: Cross of Honour for Science and Art, First Class.
Languages: She works in Slovenian (native speaker), German, English, French, Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian language.
- Trstenjak, V. / Brkan M.: Pravo EU : ustavno, procesno in gospodarsko pravo EU, GV založba, Ljubljana 2012;
- Evropsko pravo gospodarskih družb: predpisi ES/EU, uvodna pojasnila Trstenjak, V. in Kocbek, M., GV založba, Ljubljana 2004;
- Trstenjak, V. / Beysen, E: European consumer protection law: curia semer dabit remedium?, Common market law review, 2011, Vol. 48, No. 1, str. 95–124;
Nastopi v javnosti – fotografije
Zanimive informacije: Slovensko drustvo za evropsko pravo
Zadnje objave
Profesorica za Evropsko pravo na Pravni fakulteti Univerze na Dunaju (Professor for EU Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Vienna) (od/since 2013)
Zunanji znanstveni član na Max Planck Institute Luxembourg za mednarodno, evropsko in regulatorno procesno pravo (External scientific member at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law (od/since 2013)
Nosilka predmetov na magistrskih študijih in poletnih solah na različnih univerzah, npr (Lecturer on different masters programmes and summer schools at different universities, e.g.):
- Univerza na Dunaju (Facutly of Law, University of Vienna) (od/since 2013): na LLM programu European Studies nosilka: Temeljne pravice v EU (LLM programme European Studies, lecturer: Fundamental rights in the EU)
- Univerza v Salzburgu (University of Salzburg), Summer School European Private Law: Evropsko zasebno pravo (od/since 2010)
- Insbruck/Alpbach: Univerzitetni študij evropskega prava (poletni program) (univeristy programme on European law (summer programme)) (od/since 2014), Predmet Pravno varstvo v EU in temeljne pravice (course Legal protection in the EU and fundamental rights)
- The Influence of Human Rights and Basic Rights in Private Law, Springer 2016, together with Petra Weingerl (593 str.)
- Pravo EU, Ustavno, procesno in gospodarsko pravo EU (EU Law, Constitutional, Procedural and Economic Law), GV Založba, Ljubljana, 2012, 840 str., together with Maja Brkan
Poglavja v knjigah/Book chapters:
- Trstenjak Verica: Les recours collectifs et leur importance pour la protection des consommateurs, v: “Mélanges en l’honneur de Skouris”, Bruylant, (2016) , str. 681-696
- Trstenjak Verica/ Plauštajner Katja: The Obligation to Make a Reference for a Preliminary Ruling: a Punished Obligation?, v: “La sanction de la violation de l’obligation de renvoi prejudicial”, Coutron Laurent (Hrsg.), Bruylant 2014 , str. 459-478
- Trstenjak Verica: The “Instruments” for implementing European Private Law-The influence of the ECJ Case Law on the Development and Formation of European Private Law, v: The Making of Europe Private Law: Why, How, What, Who (Sellier, 2013), str.77-92
- Trstenjak Verica: Europäische Grundrechtecharta – Perspektiven für die vorsorgende Rechtspflege der Notare, Tagungsband der 24. Salzburger Notarentage Manz 2013, str. 51-73
- Trstenjak Verica: Das Urheberrecht im Spiegel der europäischen Rechtsprechung, v: Berka, Grabenwarter, Holoubek, (ur.), Das Immaterialgüterrecht in elektronischen Medien, Schriftenreihe der elektronischen Massenmedien Band 11, Manz 2013, str. 21-43
- Trstenjak Verica: Rechtsvergleichende Aspekte: Die Kooperation zwischen dem EuGH und den nationalen Gerichten, insbesondere in Bezug auf die Grundrechtecharta, Tagungsband des 12. Österreichischen Europarechtstags 2012, Manz 2013, str. 13-34
With SSCI:
- Trstenjak Verica: Civis Europeus sum – Union citizenship and the influence of the Court of Justice of the EU, European Review, Cambridge University Press, Volume 23, 71-80 (Social Sciences Citation Index)
- Trstenjak Verica/ Beysen Erwin: The Growing Overlap of Fundamental Freedoms and Fundamental Rights in the Case-law of the CJEU, European Law Review (2013) 38, str.. 293-315 (Social Sciences Citation Index)
- Trstenjak, Verica/ Beysen Erwin: European consumer protection law: curia semper dabit remedium?, Common market law review, 2011, vol. 48, no. 1, str. 95-124 (Social Sciences Citation Index)
Drugi pomembni clanki v tujini/others important articles published abroad:
- From Ovid's Golden Age to Modern European Curia: The Prominent Role of the CJEU in Shaping European Consumer Law, European Journal of Consumer Law/Revue européenne du droit de la consummation, 2015/1, str. 3-6
- The Welfare State in Times of Crisis: Threat to the Rule of Law? in Iliopoulos-Strangas (ed.) The future of the Constitutional Welfare State in Europe (2015), str. 299-306
- Zur Haftung von Ratingagenturen – ausgewählte Judikatur, in Welser (Hrsg.) Haftung bei Wertpapierveräußerungen – Rat und Auskunft als Grundlage der Haftung bei der Veräußerung von Wertpapieren nach dem Recht der CEE-Staaten, mit Beiträgen zur Haftung von Rating-Agenturen XI/1 (2015), str. 203-212
- Die neue Verbraucherrechte-Richtlinie in der Rechtsprechung des EuGH, in Welser (Hrsg.), Die Umsetzung der Verbraucherrechte-Richtlinie in den Staaten Zentral- und Osteuropas (2015), str. 233-243
- Collective redress in European Union – American or European model?, Beijing Law Review, 2014, Vol 5, str. 155-162, together with Petra Weingerl
- Common European Sales Law (CESL): The Challenge Faced by the Court of Justice of the European Union and Possible Responses, Tagungsband, Sellier, 2015, str. 87-103
- Union Citizenship within Directive 2004/38/ EC – stability of residence for Union citizens and their family members, national report for FIDE congress 2014, DJOP Publishing Copenhagen 2014, together with Petra Weingerl
- National Sovereignity and the Principle of Primacy in EU Law and their importance for the Member States, Beijing Law Review, 2013, Vol. 4 No. 2, str. 71-76
- Procedural Aspects of European Consumer Protection Law and the Case Law of the CJEU, European Review of Private Law, No. 2/ 2013, str. 451-478
- The Legal System of the EU: The Principle of Primacy in EU Law and the Role of the Constitutional Courts of the Member States, International Justice Journal Moscow, Medzunalodnoe Pravosudie, No. 2 /2012, str. 54-65
- Trstenjak, Verica/ Beysen Erwin: Das Prinzip der Verhältnismäßigkeit in der Unionsrechtsordnung, Europarecht, Vol. 47, No. 3/2012, str. 265–284
- Das Verhältnis zwischen Immaterialgüterrecht und Datenschutzrecht in der Informationsgesellschaft im Lichte der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs, Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht Internationaler Teil (GRUR Int), No. 5/2012 (May 2012), str. 393–402
- Editorial EuVR (Zeitschrift für Europäisches Verbraucherrecht: Wofür brauchen wir eine neue Zeitschrift für Europäisches Unternehmens- und Verbraucherrecht,Vol. 1 No. 1, Springer-Verlag, January 2012, str. 3–5