doc. dr. Igor Senčar Visokošolski učitelj
predstavnik Slovenije pri EU in v prvi polovici leta 2008 v času predsedstva Slovenije Evropskemu svetu in Svetu EU tudi predsedujoči Odboru stalnih predstavnikov. Po končanem mandatu v Bruslju je bil zaposlen na Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve kot veleposlanik, kjer je bil v obdobju 2010-2012 generalni direktor za evropske zadeve in politično bilateralo, v obdobju 2012-2014 pa državni sekretar.
Njegovo raziskovalno in akademsko delo je osredotočeno na evropske integracijske procese, preučevanje solidarnosti, na politično ekonomijo ekonomske in monetarne unije, na mednarodne odnose in migracije.
Njegova bibliografija je dostopna na:
Igor Senčar is an Assistant Professor in the field of International Political, Economic and Business Relations at the Faculty of Government and European Studies. He holds a PhD from the Faculty of Government and European Studies of the New University, a Masters of Science degree from the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, and a Bachelor of Science degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. Since 13 March 2020, he has been the State Secretary for Coordination of International and EU Affairs in the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia. Prior to that, he was employed at the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the period 2004-2005, he was the Representative of the Republic of Slovenia in the EU Political and Security Committee at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the EU in Brussels, and he was the Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Slovenia to the EU from 2005-2010. He was the Chairman of the Permanent Representatives Committee during the Slovenian Presidency of the European Council and the Council of the EU in 2008. After completing his term in Brussels, he served at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the rank of Ambassador, where he was Director General for European Affairs and Political Bilateral Affairs in 2010-2012 and Secretary of State in 2012-2014.
His research and academic work focuses on European integration processes, the study of solidarity, the political economy of economic and monetary union, international relations, and migration.
His bibliography is available at: