Poletna šola for “Leeds International Summer School (LISS) 2014” v Veliki Britaniji, Univerza v Leeds-u.
Britanska nacionalna agencija za Erasmus+ program British Council nam je posredovala informacijo o poletni šoli for “Leeds International Summer School (LISS) 2014” v Veliki Britaniji, Univerza v Leeds-u.
We are pleased to announce that application is open for Leeds International Summer School (LISS) 2014!
We would be very grateful if you could inform your students about LISS and if they have any questions please feel free to give them our email address summer@leeds.ac.uk , or direct them to our website: www.leeds.ac.uk/summer
LISS is a 4 week long Summer School programme that is organised by the University of Leeds in the UK and LISS 2014 promises to be an unforgettable experience for students coming from all over the world!
LISS will take place from 4th July – 3rd August 2014 and students will experience four fantastic weeks of British education and culture, combined with world-class tuition, module field trips, cultural excursions and a varied social programme (plus a two-night trip to London).
Students will also earn 20 Leeds credits (6 US credits / 10 ECTS) which they can transfer back towards their degree, subject to their home university’s approval.
All of the LISS academic modules are complemented by field trips enabling students to be immersed in the module content and apply their learning first-hand. This year study modules include:
- The English Country House: A Social History
- Building Britain, 1700-1840: Industrial ‘Revolution’ or ‘Evolution’?
- Electronic Music: History and Practice
- Sport in the UK
- Monks and Monasteries in the Middle Ages: Origins and Impact
- Renewable Energy Systems: The Big Debate (New for 2014)
- Smartphone Applications (New for 2014)
- British Popular Music in the North of England
- Heretics, Witches & Conspirators: A History of Fear, 1500-1700
- British Literature and the Brontës
- Business and Cultural Awareness: Bridging the Gap (New for 2014)
All-inclusive cost: £2785 – includes 4 weeks tuition, field trips and excursions, self-catering accommodation, social activities, Sports Centre membership.
Scholarships: There are a variety of scholarships available, check out our website for further information
This year LISS will be extra special as it is starting the same weekend as the Grand Départ of the Tour de France. On the first weekend of LISS, the students will get the chance to watch the world famous race and take part in related activities that will be happening around the city!
If you would like to receive printed promotional materials then please let us know, we would be happy to send some LISS brochures, posters and postcards over to you.
Kind regards,
Leeds International Summer School
Study Abroad Office | University of Leeds
Level 11 | The Marjorie and Arnold Ziff Building
Leeds | LS2 9JT | United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)113 343 6886
For more information about the Leeds International Summer School, check our website: www.leeds.ac.uk/summer