prof. dr. Matej Avbelj Visokošolski učitelj
Matej Avbelj je profesor za evropsko pravo in prorektor Nove univerze. Diplomiral je na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, magistriral na NYU School of Law v New Yorku ter doktoriral na Evropskem univerzitetnem inštitutu (EUI) v Firencah. Dr. Avbelj je bil prejemnik številnih prestižnih mednarodnih štipendij in je predaval na mnogih tujih univerzah tako v Evropi kot v ZDA. Trenutno je tudi predstojnik katedre za evropsko pravo na Novi univerzi, v okviru katere vodi projekt Jean Monnet Chair, ki mu ga je podelila Evropska komisija. Pri vodilnih domačih in tujih založbah je dr. Avbelj objavil številna znanstvena dela s področja prava EU, ustavnega prava, pravne teorije in varovanja človekovih pravic. Med pomembnejšimi velja omeniti: The Future of EU Constitutionalism (Hart 2023); The Impact of European Institutions on the Rule of Law and Democracy in Slovenia and Beyond (Hart 2020, z Letnar Černičem); The European Union under Transnational law (Hart, 2018); Research Handbook on Legal Pluralism and EU Law (Edward Elgar 2018, so-urednik Gareth Davies); Kadi on Trial: A Multifaceted Analysis of the Kadi Trial (Routledge 2016, sourednika Martinico in Fontanelli); Constitutional Pluralism in the EU and beyond (Hart 2012; sourednik Komarek). Dr. Avbelj je, med drugim, tudi odgovorni urednik Komentarja ustave Republike Slovenije. Ves čas je tudi raziskovalno aktiven, saj je bodisi vodil bodisi sodeloval kot raziskovalec pri več domačih in tujih znanstveno-raziskovalnih projektih. Prav tako se je aktivno udejstvoval v domačih in tujih strokovnih stanovskih združenjih ter bil udeležen v več civilnodružbenih iniciativah. Ukvarja se tudi s svetovanjem s področja prava EU, ustavnega prava in človekovih pravic. Celotna njegova bibliografija obsega več kot 700 del.
Matej Avbelj is Professor of European Law and Vice-Rector of the New University. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana, received his LL.M. from NYU School of Law in New York and his Ph.D. from the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence. Dr. Avbelj has been the recipient of numerous prestigious international scholarships and has lectured at many foreign universities in both Europe and the USA. He is also currently the holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Law at the New University, where he holds the Jean Monnet Chair awarded by the European Commission. Dr Avbelj has published numerous academic works on EU law, constitutional law, legal theory and human rights protection with leading national and international publishers. The Future of EU Constitutionalism (Hart 2023); The Impact of European Institutions on the Rule of Law and Democracy in Slovenia and Beyond (Hart 2020, with Letnar Černič); The European Union under Transnational law (Hart, 2018); Research Handbook on Legal Pluralism and EU Law (Edward Elgar 2018, co-edited with Gareth Davies); Kadi on Trial: A Multifaceted Analysis of the Kadi Trial (Routledge 2016, co-edited by Martinico and Fontanelli); Constitutional Pluralism in the EU and beyond (Hart 2012; co-edited by Komarek). Dr. Avbelj is, among others, the editor-in-chief of the Commentary on the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. He is also active in research, having either led or participated as a researcher in several national and international scientific research projects. He has also been actively involved in domestic and foreign professional associations and has participated in several civil society initiatives. He also consults in the field of EU law, constitutional law and human rights. His bibliography comprises more than 700 works.