viš. pred. Ivan Stanič Visokošolski učitelj
Višji predavatelj na Fakulteti za pravo in management infrastrukture in nepremičnin. Po diplomi na Fakulteti za arhitekturo, Univerza v Ljubljani, slušatelj Interdisciplinarnega podiplomskega študija planiranja in urejanja prostora na Fakulteti za geodezijo in gradbeništvo in, s štipendijo Chevenening, magisterskega kurza na Joint Centre for Urban Design na Univerzi Oxford Brookes v Združenem Kraljevstvu. Predhodno zaposlen na Urbanističnem inštitut Republike kot raziskovalec in prostorski planer. Eden začetnikov izdajanja znanstveno-strokovne revije Urbani izziv; od leta 1996 do 2006 tudi njen glavni urednik (
Do leta 2024 vodil Odsek za upravne naloge in splošne zadeve na Oddelku za urejanje prostora, Mestna uprava, Mestna občina Ljubljana.
Trenutno zaposlen na Ministrstvu za naravne vire in prostor.
Področja strokovnega zanimanja: Upravno pravne osnove prostorskega planiranja ter prostorsko-planske tehnike in metode.
Senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Management of Infrastructure and Real Estate.
After graduating from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, he attended the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Study of Spatial Planning and Planning at the Faculty of Geodesy and Civil Engineering and, with a Chevenening scholarship, the master’s course at the Joint Centre for Urban Design at Oxford Brookes University in the United Kingdom. Previously employed at the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenuia as a researcher and planning consultant. One of the initiators of the scientific and professional journal Urbani izziv; from 1996 to 2006 also its editor-in-chief (https://
Until 2024 head of the Department of Administrative Tasks and General Affairs at the Department of Spatial Planning, City Administration, City Municipality of Ljubljana.
Currently employed at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning.
Professional interest: Legal and administratiuve basis of spatial planning and planning techniques and methods.