izr. prof. dr. Boštjan Kerbler Visokošolski učitelj
Boštjan Kerbler je znanstveni svetnik z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami iz teoretičnega in empiričnega raziskovanja. Redno je zaposlen na Urbanističnem inštitutu Republike Slovenije. Ukvarja z nepremičninskimi, stanovanjskimi in prostorskimi študijami. Je vodja ali član raziskovalnih skupin pri različnih slovenskih in tujih projektih. Za svoje poglobljeno raziskovalno delo je že v času študija prejel dve fakultetni Prešernovi nagradi.
Poleg svojega raziskovalnega dela je osem let opravljal funkcijo urednika mednarodne indeksirane znanstvene revije Urbani izziv. V času njegovega urednikovanja je bila revija Urbani izziv na podlagi evalvacij znanstvene kakovosti sprejeta v številne mednarodne znanstvene baze, med drugim tudi prestižno bazo SCOPUS Elsevier. Revija je bila v času njegovega urednikovanja pridobila oceno A dve črtici (A”), kar pomeni, da se objave v reviji štejejo kot zelo kakovostni dosežki. Že več kot petnajst let je tudi urednik strokovne izdaje revije Urbani izziv.
Ima številne znanstvene objave, med drugim tudi v indeksiranih revijah (npr. SSCI, AHCI, SCOPUS Elsevier). V sistemu COBISS ima vpisanih več kot 400 bibliografskih enot. Njegove reference so navedene in javno dostopne v sistemih SICRIS, LinkedIn in ResearchGate.
Je tudi recenzent različnih znanstvenih monografij in mednarodnih znanstvenih periodičnih publikacij ter član mednarodnih uredniških odborov različnih mednarodnih znanstvenih revij in mednarodnih znanstvenih konferenc.
Je tudi predavatelj. Poleg pedagoškega dela pa opravlja še mentorsko dejavnost. Je odličen organizator, mentor in predavatelj, zaradi česar ga ljudje spoštujejo in cenijo.
Boštjan Kerbler is a Scientific Councillor with extensive experience in theoretical and empirical research. He is a full-time employee at the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. His research focuses on real estate studies, housing studies, and spatial studies. He is the leader or member of research teams in various Slovenian and international projects. During his studies, he received two Faculty Prešeren Awards for his in-depth research work.
In addition to his research, he served as editor of the internationally indexed scientific journal Urbani izziv (Urban Challenge) for eight years. Under his editorship, the journal was accepted into numerous international research databases based on evaluations of its scientific quality, including the prestigious SCOPUS Elsevier indexing database. During this period, the journal achieved an A” rating, signifying that publications in the journal are considered exceptional achievements. For more than fifteen years, he has also been the editor of the professional edition of Urbani izziv.
He has numerous scholarly publications, including articles in indexed journals such as SSCI, AHCI, and SCOPUS Elsevier. The COBISS bibliographic database records over 400 of his works. His references are publicly available in the SICRIS, LinkedIn, and ResearchGate systems. Alongside his academic work, he engages in teaching and mentoring activities.
He is also a reviewer for various scientific monographs and international scholarly periodicals and a member of editorial boards for international scientific journals and conferences. He is also a lecturer. In addition to his teaching work, he engages in mentoring activities. He is a skilled organizer, mentor, and lecturer, earning respect and recognition from his colleagues and students.