izr. prof. dr. Boštjan Aver Visokošolski učitelj
Izr. prof. dr. Boštjan Aver je doktoriral na Ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, smer poslovodenje in organizacija. Od septembra 2007 do oktobra 2009 je bil predsednik uprave Vzajemne, d.v.z. in pred tem več let direktor sektorja za finance, računovodstvo in kontroling v Vzajemni zdravstveni zavarovalnici, d.v.z.
Je avtor številnih znanstvenih in strokovnih člankov in prispevkov predvsem s področja financ, računovodstva, kontrolinga in projektnega managementa. S svojim prispevkom je sodeloval tudi na določenih konferencah na slovenski in mednarodni ravni. Je član uredniškega odbora revije Bančni vestnik.
Reference s področja »pravo trgov finančnih inštrumentov«:
- Zaposlitev v Banki Koper l. 2000 – januarja 2004 (tudi kot vodja kontrolinga, vodja enote za planiranje in nadzor, zastopnik Odprtega vzajemnega pokojninskega sklada Banke Koper…): ukvarjal sem se z računovodstvom banke, Slovenskimi računovodskimi standardi, kontrolingom prihodkov in stroškov banke, poznati sem moral ZGD, SRS in drugo zakonodajo s področja finančnih instrumentov, ATVP (pridobitev dovoljenja za ustanovitev sklada banke…) itd.
- Zaposlitev v VZAJEMNI zdravstveni zavarovalnici d.v.z. (od januarja 2004 – septembra 2007 večinoma kot direktor Sektorja za finance, računovodstvo in kontroling); (od septembra 2007 – oktobra 2009 kot predsednik uprave Vzajemne odgovoren predvsem za finance, računovodstvo, kontroling itd.): za opravljanje skoraj 6 let vodilnih funkcij s področja financ, računovodstva in kontrolinga, sem moral poznati zakonodajo s področja revidiranja, priprave letnih izkazov zavarovalnice, MSRP in SRS 2006, ZGD, kontne okvire zavarovalnice in drugih družb, ki so bile kot odvisne družbe Vzajemne – priprava konsolidiranih izkazov poslovanja…).
- Predsednik nadzornega sveta KAD-a ter član nadzornega sveta in revizijske komisije Juteks d.d. ter član nadzornega sveta CDE d.d. – tudi imam aktiven Certifikat Združenja nadzornikov Slovenije (pridobitev izkušenj z razno zakonodajo s področja gospodarskih družb – korporacijsko pravo in obligacijsko pravo, glede revidiranja in glede priprave letnih poročil in konsolidiranih letnih poročil, glede finančnih instrumentov v katere so nalagale sredstva prej omenjene družbe, glede borze oz. organiziranega trga vrednostnih papirjev – primarne in sekundarne izdaje VP, glede sestavin prospektov za izdajo VP, glede razkrivanja informacij teh družb preko Seoneta itd….).
Boštjan AVER (Male, assoc.prof.) obtained a Ph.D in Economics at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana, receiving the title of Doctor of Science in the field of Management and Organisation in April 2004. He is currently Assistant Professor of Business Economics (from 24.11.2014 to 11.23.2019) and was Assistant Professor of Finance and Accounting (from 7.7.2009 to 07.06.2014). From 15th February 2014 he has been the Director of the public company Komunalno podjetje Logatec and before that, from 13th July 2013 until 15th February 2014, he was CEO of the aforementioned company. From September 2007 to October 2009 Aver was CEO of the Mutual Health Insurance company Vzajemna Zdravstvena Zavarovalnica and before that for several years, from 2004 to 2007, Head of Finance, Accounting and Controlling. From 2000 to the beginning of 2004 he was employed at Banka Koper d.d, lastly as Head of Planning and Monitoring and before that Head of Controlling. From December 2008 to January 2011 he was Chairman of the Supervisory Board of capital pension and disability insurance company KAD (Kapitalska Družba Pokojninskega in Invalidskega Zavarovanja d.d.). From December 2009 to October 2012 he was also Member of the Supervisory Board and the Audit Committee of Juteks d.d. Dr. Aver is the author of numerous scientific and technical articles, mainly in the field of finance, accounting, controlling and project management. He presented his contributions during conferences held on national and international level and was also a member of the Editorial Board of the Slovenian banking journal Bančni Vestnik. He was actively involved with the Slovenian Association for Project Management. He was a lecturer in “Business Finance” at the Faculty of Management in Koper, from September 2007 onwards. He teaches “Real Estate Marketing” at the European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica (and head professor teaching three subjects for the PMIN Programme). For several years he has been cooperating with the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana as a visiting professor, where he teaches “Health Insurance”. He is also a visiting professor at the “European School of Law and Governance”, European University in Kosovo. Currently dr. Aver is focusing on “Effectiveness, efficiency and solvency of the company” and “Managerial Economics” at Gea College – Faculty of Entrepreneurship and before that he taught “Introduction to Personal Finance” and “Life and Health Insurance” for the University programme “Financial Adviser”. Professor Aver also received several awards and certificates, including the Certificate of the Slovenian Directors’ Association, the Certificate of State Supervisors and many other certificates in the field of Project Management, etc. Professor Aver has given his contribution to important projects – see below.
Relevant Publications (max 5)
BOGATAJ, David, AVER, Boštjan. Residential real estate investments from the perspective of Act on social security benefits. Dignitas, ISSN 1408-9653, 2013, str. 252-276. [COBISS.SI-ID 1024393329]
AVER, Boštjan, ČADEŽ, Simon. Management accountants’ participation in strategic management processes : a cross-industry comparison. Journal for East European management studies, ISSN 0949-6181, 2009, vol. 14, no. 3, str. 310-322. [COBISS.SI-ID 18660582]
AVER, Boštjan. An empirical analysis of credit risk factors of the Slovenian banking system. Managing global transitions, ISSN 1581-6311, fall 2008, vol. 6, no. 3, str. 317-334. http://www.fm-kp.si/zalozba/ISSN/1581-6311/6_317-334.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 2806999]
BEJA, Tomaž, ČADEŽ, Simon, AVER, Boštjan. Empirični izračun tržne premije za tveganje na slovenskem delniškem trgu = An empirical assessment of market risk premium for the Slovenian stock market. Naše gospodarstvo, ISSN 0547-3101. [Tiskana izd.], 2009, letn. 55, št. 3/4, str. 95-103, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 18620134]
BOGATAJ, David, TEMELJOTOV SALAJ, Alenka, AVER, Boštjan. Urban growth in ageing societies. V: MICHELL, Kathy (ur.), BOWEN, Paul (ur.), CATTELL, Keith (ur.). Delivering value to the community : proceedings. Cape Town: Department of Construction Economics and Management, cop. 2012, str. 437-446, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 513005698]
BOGATAJ, David, AVER, Boštjan (mentor). Residential real estate investments from the perspective of law on social security benefits. V: Doktorska znanstvenoraziskovalna mednarodna konferenca. [Nova Gorica: s. n., 2012], [19] str., tabele, graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 2048180994]
AVER, Boštjan, STOŽINIĆ, Nenad, TEMELJOTOV SALAJ, Alenka. Trg oskrbovanih stanovanj v turističnih regijah Slovenije = Sheltered housing market in the tourist regions of Slovenia. V: BREZOVEC, Aleksandra (ur.), MEKINC, Janez (ur.). Management, izobraževanje in turizem : solidarnost za socialni kapital : 3. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo, 20.-21. oktober 2011, Portorož : zbornik referatov = proceedings. Portorož: Turistica, Fakulteta za turistične študije, 2011, str. 84-93. [COBISS.SI-ID 513005186]
AVER, Boštjan. Financial risk management. V: Conference topics : management of corporate security in multinational organizations and their performance in the global security environment : 4. International Conference “Days of Corporative Security”, Ljubljana, March, 20.-21th 2013. Ljubljana: Institute for Corporative Security Studies, 2013. [COBISS.SI-ID 513238914]
Relevant Projects
1) the Targeted Research Programme Project (CRP projekt) “Ensuring ourselves food for tomorrow” – “The Development of a Comprehensive System for Production and Income Risks Management in Slovenian Agriculture and Fishing Industry”
2) the project “Accessibility improved at Border CROSSINGS for the Integration of South East Europe« (Project leader: Central European Initiative – Executive Secretariat)
3) from 2012 to 31.12.2023 the financial control of the Trbovlje-Hrastnik mine closure for the contracting authority the Ministry of Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia
4) from May 2021 the financial supercontrol of the building “2. Želežniški tir Divača-Koper” for the contracting authority the 2TDK, d.o.o.
5) Participation in the ARRS Research Programme through the European Faculty of Law, i.e. “Location and urban land use in ageing regions: land rate evolution in the post-industrial society” (23.01.2015 – 31.12.2018), ARRS – Slovenian Research Agency
6) Participation in the ARRS Research Programme through the European Faculty of Law, i.e. “Low definition of the agricultural economy” (2016-2018), ARRS – Slovenian Research Agency