doc. dr. Ana Polak Petrič Visokošolski učitelj
Doc. dr. Ana Polak Petrič je veleposlanica Republike Slovenije v Zvezni republiki Nemčiji, pred tem je kot veleposlanica službovala na Japonskem (nerezidenčno v Južni Koreji in na Filipinih). Je docentka za mednarodno pravo, diplomacijo in evropsko pravo na Evropski pravni fakulteti Nove univerze, kjer predava mednarodno javno pravo, pomorsko pravo in mirno reševanje sporov. Od 2014-2019 je bila visoka predstavnica Republike Slovenije za vprašanja nasledstva po nekdanji Jugoslaviji. V tej funkciji je bila imenovana tudi za pomočnico zastopnika Slovenije pri Evropskem sodišču za človekove pravice v Strasbourgu. Od leta 2003 je zaposlena kot diplomatka in pravna strokovnjakinja Ministrstva za zunanje in evropske zadeve Republike Slovenije na različnih delovnih mestih in funkcijah Leta 2006 je delala kot pravna svetovalka pri predsedniku republiške referendumske komisije v Črni Gori.
Diplomirala je na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, magistrirala s področja mednarodnih odnosov na Diplomatski akademiji in Univerzi na Dunaju ter doktorirala iz mednarodnega prava na Evropski pravni fakulteti Nove Univerze, leta 2005 je opravila državni pravniški izpit. Je avtorica več publikacij in člankov s področja mednarodnega in evropskega prava, prava človekovih pravic in nasledstva držav, odgovorna urednica Zbirke Mednarodno pravo, podpredsednica izpitne komisije in izpraševalka za državni pravniški izpit ter članica različnih društev in združenj, povezanih z mednarodnim pravom in zunanjo politiko (raziskovalka SICRIS št. 40975).
Ana Polak Petrič is Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the Federal Republic of Germany, having previously served as Ambassador to Japan (non-resident to South Korea and the Philippines). She is Assistant Professor of International Law, Diplomacy and European Law at the European Law Faculty of the New University, where she teaches public international law, the law of the sea and peaceful settlement of disputes. From 2014-2019, she was the High Representative of the Republic of Slovenia for the succession issues to the former Yugoslavia. In this capacity, she was also appointed Assistant Agent of Slovenia at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Since 2003, she has worked as a diplomat and legal expert at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in various positions and functions. In 2006, she worked as a legal advisor to the President of the Republican Referendum Commission in Montenegro.
She graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana, obtained a Master’s degree in International Relations from the Diplomatic Academy and the University of Vienna, and a PhD in International Law from the European Law Faculty of the New University, and passed the State Bar Examination in 2005. She is the author of several publications and articles in the field of international and European law, human rights law and succession of states, editor-in-chief of the International Law Collection, vice-chair of the Examination Board and examiner for the State Bar Examination, and a member of various societies and associations related to international law and foreign policy (researcher in SICRIS No. 40975).
Doc. dr. Ana Polak Petrič je diplomirala na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, magistrirala s področja mednarodnih odnosov na Diplomatski akademiji in Univerzi na Dunaju ter doktorirala iz mednarodnega prava na Evropski pravni fakulteti. Od leta 2015 je habilitirana docentka za področja mednarodnega prava, mednarodnih odnosov in evropskega prava, ima opravljen tudi pravniški državni izpit. Od leta 2003 je zaposlena na Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve, kjer se ukvarja v glavnem z vprašanji mednarodnega in evropskega prava ter prava človekovih pravic. Od januarja 2014 je visoka predstavnica Republike Slovenije za nasledstvo. Je avtorica znanstvenih in strokovnih publikacij ter člankov s področja mednarodnega in evropskega prava ter odgovorna urednica zbirke Mednarodno pravo (osebna bibliografija- COBISS št. 92709).
ANA POLAK PETRIČ is an assistant professor of international law, international relations and European law at the European Faculty of Law, Slovenia. She graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana (2002), holds a master’s degree in advanced international studies from the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and University of Vienna (2007), and a PhD in law from the European Faculty of Law (2014).
Since 2003, she has worked as a diplomat and a legal expert in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, where she is in her career dealing mostly with international law, EU law and humans rights law. In 2014, she was appointed High Representative of the Republic of Slovenia for Succession Issues.
She has authored and published several publications and articles on the topics of international and European law, human rights law and the succession of states, and is the editor of the International Law Series (personal bibliography – COBISS št. 92709).