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The New University, European Faculty of Law continuously monitors, promotes and ensures the development and progress of the internal quality system in all areas of its activities through various procedures and activities. All undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes run by the Faculty are accredited in accordance with the national Criteria for Accreditation and External Evaluation of Higher Education Institutions and Study Programmes.
The planning of self-evaluation at the Faculty is reflected in the Quality Regulations of the New University, which regulates the system of monitoring, evaluation and quality assurance with the aim of quality planning, organisation, operation and development of all its activities as defined in the vision, mission and goals of the New University, as well as the resources to achieve the set short-term and strategic goals of the University. The action plan for the forthcoming self-evaluation period is reflected in the Faculty’s Action Plan.
The purpose of the self-evaluation is to ensure the quality of planning, organisation, operation and development of all activities of the Faculty, as defined in the vision, mission and objectives, and of the resources to achieve the short-term and strategic objectives of the Faculty.
The quality of the Faculty is monitored by two Commissions, namely the Commission for Faculty Quality and the Commission for Quality and Evaluation of the New University, which include all key stakeholders representing specific areas or activities, namely: staff, students and the external environment (e.g. alumni, employers). The Commissions work together to make suggestions, highlighting areas that need special attention in the future and proposing appropriate measures to improve performance.
The quality system is based on the Deming circle model (PDCA): planning (Plan-P), implementation (Do – D), check (Check – C) and action (Act – A).
The quality feedback loop reflects the operating model described above, with a focus on continuous process improvement, which is then used as input for the new operating cycle of the quality system itself. The quality check, or the so-called closing of the quality loop, takes place in two stages, at faculty level and at university level.
The members of the Commission for Quality of the European Faculty of Law of the New University for the period until 31 October 2026 are:
- prof. dr. Marko Novak, researcher (president)
- izr. prof. dr. Boštjan Kerbler, Higher education teacher
- Neja Marc, student
- Ana Štern, Secretary General
- Tia Kajdiž, Professional associate
- Suzana Dejić, Head of Department for Student and Academic Affairs
- Inga Pikl, Head of the New University Centre for Career Development and International Mobility
- Nataša Kolavčič, International Mobility
- Sanja Stepanović, UKNU
- Marjana Perme, Accounting
- Doris Horvat, Promotion Adviser
- Jure Švigelj, odvetnik, Employers’ representative
- dr. Petja Mihelič, Alumni representative