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Working bodies
Habilitation Commission
The Habilitation Committee is a working body of the Senate of the faculty.
The Habilitation Committee comprises at least five members who are elected by the Senate of the faculty from among the higher education lecturers who fulfil the requirements for election into the Senate of the faculty. The student representative is also part of the Habilitation Committee.
The Habilitation Committee gives its opinion in the process of appointment to the titles and ensures the unified use of criteria for appointment to the titles of higher education lecturer, researcher and higher education associate.
The Habilitation Committee also gives its opinion on the withdrawal of the titles from the previous paragraph.
The Habilitation Committee works at meetings and has a quorum if the majority of members are present at the meeting. Their decisions are adopted with the absolute majority of Committee members.
The term of office of the Habilitation Committee members lasts for two years and they can be reappointed after the expiry of this period.
The Faculty Habilitation Committee consists of:
- Dr. Peter Jambrek,
- Dr Boštjan Kerbler,
- Dr Jernej Letnar Černič,
- Dr Sara Ahlin Doljak,
- Dr Ernest Petrič,
- Dr Marko Novak,
- Dr Nana Weber,
- Dr Anže Erbežnik,
- Ana Intihar Marulc, student representative.
Academic committee
The Academic Committee and its president are appointed by the Governing Board for the period of two years with the possibility of reappointment. It comprises at least four members, among whom there must be at least one representative of the Law course, one representative of the Law and Management of Real Estate course, as well as one representative of students.
The Academic Affairs Committee consists of:
President of the Academic Affairs Committee: Prof. Dr. Marko Novak
Associate Prof. Dr. Sara Ahlin Doljak,
Associate Prof. Dr. Nana Weber,
Associate Prof. Dr. Boštjan Kerbler,
Patrik More, student.
The Academic Committee:
- decides on the possibility of completing the studies in the undergraduate programme Law (1st cycle) on the basis of an article,
- discusses and approves the topics of master’s theses and confirms the mentor or co-mentor,
- appoints an Expert Committee for the evaluation and defence of the master’s thesis,
- submits proposals to the Senate for the appointment of an Expert Committee to assess the suitability of the topic of the doctoral dissertation,
- submits proposals to the Senate for the confirmation of the topic and the mentor or co-mentor of the doctoral dissertation,
- submits proposals to the Senate for the appointment of an Expert Committee for the evaluation of the doctoral dissertation,
- submits proposals to the Senate for the approval of the assessments of the Expert Committee for the evaluation of the doctoral dissertation and the appointment of an Expert Committee for defence,
- decides on the enrolment of students in study programmes,
- considers requests for transferring between study programmes,
- considers requests for extension of the topic of master’s and doctoral theses,
- on the basis of the student’s request, decides on enrolment of a student in the same year (repeat enrolment) and the enrolment of a student into a higher year, in the event that they have not fulfilled all the obligations determined in the study programme for the enrolment into a higher year (exceptional enrolment),
- on the basis of the student’s request issues a reasoned opinion on faster advancement of a student,
- on the basis of the student’s request decides on the application for taking higher year exams early,
- on the basis of the student’s request decides on the application for the replacement of the elective course,
- on the basis of the student’s request decides on the application criteria for issuing a special needs student status, student athlete status or student artist status,
- on the basis of the student’s request deals with the requests for student status extensions,
- on the basis of the student’s request decides on the recognition of obligations of official and unofficial education or practical training,
- on the basis of the student’s request decides on the exemption from compulsory practical training.
- on the basis of the student’s request decides on the application for the continuation of studies after more than two years of suspension,
- on the basis of the student’s request decides on the application for recognition of obligations performed abroad on the basis of the Erasmus + exchange programme,
- appoints a professor if the course does not have a specific co-performer who assesses the subject as part of a double assessment,
- decides on a joint assessment if the assessments of the two assessors differ and if the assessors do not give a harmonized joint assessment,
- appoints a professor, if the course does not have a specific co-performer who is present at the lecture of the course holder and takes short minutes of it,
- keeps records of minutes on monitoring the implementation of courses,
- performs other tasks related to the academic activities of the faculty if no other faculty body is competent for them.
Disciplinary Committee
The Disciplinary Committee comprises three (3) members, each having their own deputy. The president of the Disciplinary Committee and their deputy are nominated by the Governing Board from among the educational staff of the faculty. A second member and their deputy are nominated by the Dean from among the employees of the Secretariat of the faculty. A third member and their deputy are nominated by the Student Council from among the students of the faculty.
On the basis of nominations, the Disciplinary Committee is appointed by the Senate of the faculty. The term of office of the Disciplinary Committee lasts for two (2) years and the members can be reappointed on the expiry of their term.
Members of the Disciplinary Committee are:
- Prof. Dr. Boštjan Kerbler, president
- As. dr. Margerita Jurkovič, deputy
- Suzana Dejić, Member
- Nika Blaznik, Deputy Member
- Neja Marc, Student Representative
- Maja Remec, Deputy Student Representative
Quality committee
Members of the Quality Committee of the faculty are appointed by the Senate of the faculty on the Dean’s proposal. It comprises at least six members, from among whom the Senate of the faculty appoints a president of the Committee.
The Committee comprises representatives of all the main interest groups, including the higher education lecturers, researchers, students, professional staff, administrative staff and external agents.
The Committee performs the following tasks:
- preparation of the annual quality report (a self-evaluation report),
- ongoing monitoring of the quality of studies and making proposals for its improvement,
- ongoing monitoring of the quality of the scientific research work and making proposals for its improvement,
- other tasks in the field of monitoring and improving quality, as is determined in the Quality Manual.
The Quality Manual of the European Faculty of Law regulates the Committee’s operation in more detail.
Members of the Quality Committee of European Faculty of Law, New University until 31.10.2026 are:
- prof. dr. Marko Novak, researcher (president)
- izr. prof. dr. Boštjan Kerbler, Higher education teacher
- Neja Marc, student
- Ana Štern, Secretary General
- Tia Kajdiž, Professional associate
- Suzana Dejić, Head of Department for Student and Academic Affairs
- Inga Pikl, Head of the New University Centre for Career Development and International Mobility
- Nataša Kolavčič, International Mobility
- Sanja Stepanović, UKNU
- Marjana Perme, Accounting
- Doris Horvat, Promotion Adviser
- Jure Švigelj, odvetnik, Employers’ representative
- dr. Petja Mihelič, Alumni representative
Tutoring Committee
The tutoring commission is appointed by the EVRO PF board of directors for a period of one year and consists of 3 members:
- Vice Dean for Student and Study Affairs (Chairman of the Committee),
- a representative of the faculty’s professional services and
- student representative.
Due to a conflict of interest in the call for tutors, the student representative in the tutoring committee may not simultaneously work as a student tutor in the current year.
The tasks of the tutoring committee are in particular:
- accept the proposal of the annual plan on the implementation of tutoring;
- adopt the annual report on the implementation of tutoring;
- to draw up a call for the identification of academic tutors and to draw up a call for the selection of student tutors; ;
- select student tutors;
- carry out an evaluation of the work of academic tutors and student tutors.
The Tutoring Commission is composed of:
- prof. dr. Bojan Grum (chairman of the commission),
- Inga Pikl (representative of the faculty’s professional services),
- Matic Grum (student representative)