Career Centre
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- – European portal on the EUROPASS initiative
- – European Job Mobility Portal (EURES)
- – rights and opportunities of citizens in the EU (YOUR EUROPE)
- – SOLVIT Center
- – employment in the institutions of the European Union
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- – Center for Mobility and European Education and Training Programs – CMEPIUS
- – Internship in EU bodies
- – online search engine for education opportunities in Europe
- – European youth portal, volunteering programs
- – search engine for summer schools and other short-term educations abroad
About us
What is Career Centre?
The Career Center of the new university represents the contact point between students, graduates, faculties and potential employers. It was established for the purpose of advising students or students. graduates in their career development and providing support in study and practical orientations. It carefully plan and plan its activities in accordance with the orientations of the Operational Program for the implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in 2014-2020, Europe 2020 Strategy, Slovenian Smart Specialization Strategy and the orientations of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport within the given seizure of labor market.
The role and importance of the Career Center of the New University as the Inner Department of Career Development and International Mobility of the new University is governed by the Rules on the Functioning of the Career Center of the New University (Rules on the Career Center of the New University). The Rules define the organization of the NU Career Center and Member States, rights and obligations, financing activities, general tasks and an annual plan of operation.
What is the vision and mission of the Career Centre?
The vision of CC NU is to become a high-quality and efficient institution in the field of career development and counseling for young people, and to become the main point of contact between students, graduates, the Faculty and employers.
The mission of CC is to enable young people to make an easy and high-quality transition to the labor market and to improve the connection between the economic and academic environment. With the help of additional training and counseling, CC NU strives to properly prepare students and graduates for their first job and tries to provide the public and private sector with suitably qualified personnel.
What is the purpose of the Career Centre?
The purpose of CC NU is to create holistic support from students both in their study and career path. It serves as a tool for a successful transition to first employment, because through various workshops, presentation of professions, individual tests and counseling, it is career for students and provides them with additional practical knowledge, providing quality staff to employers.
CC NU is also friendly to employers looking for staff for their businesses. CC NU strives to work with them as much as possible and take into account their labor market needs. According to employers’ needs, CC will try to direct students to the sought after professions, as well as encourage successful students, advocate their professional guidelines and take care of their promotion within the given dimensions of the labor market.
What does the Career Centre offer?
Career Centre NU offers a variety of activities aimed at students, graduates and employers, thereby striving to improve the integration of students into the labor market and increase the flexibility of their employment.
- individual or group career and study consulting and career plan preparation,
• personality testing of students,
• providing information about possibilities for formal and informal acquisition of additional competencies and experience,
• advising students with special needs.
- career workshops,
• soft skills training,
• lectures, seminars, workshops, round tables and other meetings and events aimed towards connecting the students with potential employers,
• presentation of employers at the Faculty,
• visits to the working environment of employers.
Providing information on:
- job vacancies at home and abroad and options for employment,
• scolarships,
• summer schools,
• study programmes at home and abroad,
• options for practical training at home and abroad.
- with potential employers,
• with public employment services,
• with other agencies in the field of education,
• with other similar institutions.
Students and graduates
What is career planning and what is its purpose?
We are not alone on the labour market. In addition to us, more and more experienced, talented and educated people are competing for jobs. This is why it is prudent to start planning own career paths early enough to ensure appropriate employment.
There are many definitions of the term career in the literature. Daniela Brečko, PhD stresses in her book Career Planning as a Dialogue Between the Individual and the Organization (Načrtovanje kariere kot dialog med posameznikom in organizacijo) that career is simply “a life path where we no longer differentiate between the professional and the private life”. The author believes that especially with the emergence of new work forms, such as voluntary work and work at home, the definition of career has changed considerably, which leads to us being unable to differentiate between career, career development and life itself.
Career is often a sequence of work and a set of activities that include elements of promotion, self-realization and personal development in a given period. We need to understand that career planning relates primarily to learning about own skills, interests, abilities and values, setting goals and designing of plans to achieve such goals. This is a process where an individual analyses own abilities, skills, values and beliefs and establishes realistic goals.
It is in the interest of the society that young people discover the profession that is in accordance with their interests, abilities and the situation on the labour market and that after completing their education, they get a job as soon as possible. This provides them with own development of potential and professional performance, which is why career planning is recommended already during study.
Career success and the extent of success largely depend on our personal traits, abilities, skills, expertise, values and goal-setting. We do not leave career planning to chance. Take your career path into your hands and start planning. “If an individual does not plan their career, the career will plan them” says Daniela Brečko.
First employment
The long-term goal of each student is a successful employment upon graduation. Everyone is looking for employment at least once in their lives. This is a very important life step because it represents taking responsibility for own professional and career development, as well as for material independence and social security. The path to the first employment is even more demanding because it means the first direct contact with the labour market and its laws.
Work experience is an important building block when searching for the first employment. Sometimes, the lack of work experience is the one obstacle that prevents young people to successfully find first employment. However, this is not always the case. Students too often forget that various forms of occasional work or practice in the course of studies are a source of work experience, which can be used to successfully penetrate to the labour market. Today, many educational programmes offer voluntary or mandatory practice to students during their studies and a lot of students decide to perform various occasional work during their studies. These forms of work can be a source of experience, which is why it is important to select working environments that are compatible with your career goals.
Finding first employment often is not easy, which is why career centres, employment consultants from recruitment agencies and other online forms of information help you in your endeavours. The more information you have, the more successful your penetration to the labour market will be.
How to search for employment?
“An effective search for employment requires organization and strategy. In order to successfully pursue employment opportunities, you need certain “work tools”, which are successfully used in the search for employment. It is even more important to define your wishes and interests that you are looking for in work. This way, you will not be mindlessly looking for any job or field of work, but only the job and field of work you see yourself in and where you will be satisfied.”
Search for employment is carried out in different ways and by using various methods. Methods in the search for employment include formal or informal and direct or indirect search. Formal search of employment means that job seekers act in accordance with pre-planned rules and procedures when obtaining information about employment opportunities. The opposite applies to the informal search for employment where job seekers do not use formalized methods and procedures. In the indirect search for employment, you have help from intermediaries, especially from relatives, acquaintances, friends, the media and institutions dealing with the provision of employment information. Direct search for employment means a direct contact of the job seeker with the employer, whether in writing or in person.
A variety of search methods are useful in the search for employment, representing various combinations of search methods described above. These include in particular personal contacts, applications, assistance of employment services, help from recruitment agencies, references, visiting companies or organizations, etc.
It is important for young people to appropriately prepare for the search of first employment. An effective and indispensable tool in the search for employment is a good resume, which reflects work experience, references, education, knowledge and other skills that could interest the employer.
• Brečko D., Načrtovanje kariere kot dialog med organizacijo in posameznikom, PlanetGV, Ljubljana, 2006
• Anja Trčel, Načrtovanje kariere je pomembno, Dnevnik, maj 2010
• Trbanc M., Verša D., Zaposlovanje mladih, v: Politika zaposlovanja, FDV, 2002
• Prvi koraki do zaposlitve- navodila za učinkovito iskanje prve zaposlitve, Zbirka KARIERA,, URL: »«
Alumni Club
The Alumni of the European Faculty of Law at Nova University
The Alumni of the European Faculty of Law at Nova University is an internal organizational unit of the faculty, aimed at maintaining and strengthening contacts between graduates and the faculty in all socially beneficial areas. Members of the Alumni NU, Euro-PF include all former graduates of any study program offered by the faculty.
The activities of the Alumni NU, Euro-PF are further regulated by the Rules of Operation of the Alumni of the European Faculty of Law at Nova University.
President of the Alumni Club NU, Euro-PF: Dr. Blaž Marinčič
Council of the Alumni Club NU, Euro-PF:
- Matic Mlakar,
- Urša Ravnikar Šurk,
- Anja Karafatska
Benefits for members of the Alumni of the European Faculty of Law at Nova University:
- 20% discount on all educational events and schools organized by Nova University.
Current tender "Strengthening the role of career centers in the holistic treatment of students"
The new university was successful in the public tender “Strengthening the role of career centers in the holistic treatment of students”.
The subject of the public tender is the co-financing of the further operation and upgrading of the career centers of higher education institutions by promoting adapted forms of assistance to special groups of students.
Among the special groups of students we include students with a special status, students with special needs, students in distress that may have a negative impact on mental health, students who are subject to violence, which means interference with a person’s physical and psychological integrity (domestic violence, sexual violence , sexual harassment, bullying or mistreatment, etc.), students with caring responsibilities, students with other personal circumstances and other non-traditional groups of students. Traditional students are students who enter higher education directly after finishing high school, while non-traditional students are those students who have already entered the labor market and often have a family, which represents for them an additional coordination of student and private life (due to family or taking care of parents, etc.).
The public tender includes three activities:
Training and education for career counselors
- Establishing a network of individuals who have the experience and knowledge to work with students of special groups, with the aim of exchanging experiences and imparting knowledge to employees of a higher education institution.
- Organization of events aimed at acceptance and understanding of differences.
Establishing a system for identifying special groups of students and their support needs
The activity focuses on the ability to identify specific groups of students who would need special or additional help and special treatment in order to offer support during their studies. The beneficiary must establish a working group that will work professionally and, by determining and directing activities, help to establish a system for identifying special groups of students. At the end of the projects, an established system is expected, and the beneficiary must prepare a document describing the established system and recommendations or defining incentives for their inclusion.
Support for special groups of students
In addition to the basic mission of the career centers, i.e. offering career counseling to all undergraduate and postgraduate students, the activities will also include:
- raising awareness of all students about the importance of equal treatment of all students regardless of gender, race or nationality, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation or socio-economic status, and raising awareness among students about any kind of violence that constitutes interference with a person’s physical and psychological integrity ( domestic violence, sexual violence, sexual harassment, intimidation or abuse, etc.)
- support in the form of counseling, training, or in another appropriate form of special groups of students who come in contact with a career center because they need help in study or facing distress that can adversely affect mental health at both individual and indirectly through public available information (remotely, websites, social networks, etc.).
- counseling for students includes career path counseling for special groups of students, with an emphasis on the appropriateness of the chosen/desired study path in relation to the individual needs/abilities of the student.
- cooperation with secondary schools, namely with counselors, is foreseen, with the aim of informing about the special needs that students have in terms of education when they enter higher education.
- the activity includes cooperation with institutions that cover the field of work with young people with special needs, or that can in any way contribute to the more successful work of higher education institutions with special groups of students.
Pupils, students and graduates are invited to participate in all activities within the project, which are free of charge. For counseling options, please contact the staff of the NU Career Center and its members via e-mail: and make an appointment for counseling. All activities within the framework of the project Strengthening the role of CC in the holistic treatment of students are designed in such a way that their continuous and permanent implementation will be enabled even after the end of the project.
The public tender for the selection of operations is partially financed by the European Union, namely from the European Social Fund. The operation is carried out within the framework of the Operational Program for the implementation of European cohesion policy in the period 2014-2020, priority axis: 10. Knowledge, skills and lifelong learning for better employability; priority investments: 10.1 Improving equal access to lifelong learning for all age groups in formal, informal and informal forms of learning, updating the knowledge, skills and competences of the workforce and promoting flexible forms of learning, including through career counseling and validation of acquired competences, specific objective: 10.1 .3 Promotion of flexible forms of learning and support for quality career orientation for young people in school at all levels of the education system.
Alumni of the European Faculty of Law
About Alumni of the Faculty of European Law of the New University
Alumni of the Faculty of European Law of the New University is an internal organizational unit of the faculty, which aims to maintain and strengthen contacts between graduates and the faculty in all socially beneficial areas. Members of Alumni NU, Evro-PF are all current graduates of any study program offered by the faculty.
The functioning of the Alumni of NU, Euro-PF is regulated in more detail by the Regulations on the functioning of the Alumni of the European Faculty of Law of the New University.
President of the Euro-PF Alumni: dr. Blaž Marinčič
Benefits for members of the Alumni of the Faculty of European Law of the New University
– 20% discount on all educational events and schools organized by the Nova University.
Career Center of the New University
Inga Pikl, Head of the Center for Career Development and International Mobility of the New University
Phone: 01 251 44 83
Career Center of the Faculty of European Law of the New University
Nataša Kolavčič, NU career advisor, Euro-PF
Phone: 05 338 44 06
Cooperation with employers
The EFL CC is friendly to employers that are looking for employees for their companies. The EFL CC strives towards cooperating with the employers and taking into account their requirements and the situation in the labour market. Depending on the needs of employers, the EFL CC shall try to steer students towards the professions in demand, while at the same time promoting successful students and advocating their career orientation.
What does the EFL CC offer to employers?
We offer many opportunities for cooperation to organizations, striving to ensure satisfaction of students as well as employers. Students of the European Faculty of Law in Nova Gorica can cooperate with the employers in various ways or help in resolving certain problem sets. Their knowledge, creativity or performed work will help the employers to recognize new prospective employees.
The EFL CC is offering the following opportunities for cooperation to employers:
- Announcement of job vacancies, student work and student practices on the Faculty website
We offer free announcement of job vacancies, student work and student practices on the Faculty website to potential employers.
- Publication of topics for final papers or other research tasks that organizations are currently interested in and for which they want to find solutions for small or large problem sets in the organization
Potential employers may publish various topics for final papers, with which the organization finds a solution for a concrete problem or forms a comprehensive approach to its solution. Consideration of small or specific problem sets and research of a narrower field may be performed within the framework of seminar papers.
- Presentation of the organization at the Faculty
Within the framework of the EFL CC, you can arrange for a visit at the Faculty and a presentation of your company to students and graduates. The European Faculty of Law strives towards linking theory with practice and aims to provide high-quality expert knowledge and a wide range of practical skills to the students.
- Presentation of the best students and graduates to potential employers
The EFL CC represents the connecting point between students, graduates, the Faculty and potential employers. For this purpose, the EFL CC is maintaining ties to the talented students who represent high-quality and expert employees and enables the employers to connect with them.
Join us and become our partner! Ensure access to ambitious young students and graduates who will be ready to creatively and enthusiastically carry out even the most demanding tasks.
For all additional questions related to options and methods of cooperation, contact us at